Prèp timè: 30 mins
Cook timè: 30 mins
Total timè: 1 hour
Author: Amanda @ Running with Spoons
Yièlds: 9 - 12 squarès
For thè strawbèrry chia jam:
- 2 cups (350 g) frozèn strawbèrriès*
- 2 Tbsp (30 ml) maplè syrup
- 2 Tbsp (14 g) chia sèèds
- 1 tsp vanilla èxtract
For thè banana oat bars:
- 2 cups (160 g) rollèd oats, dividèd**
- 1 tsp baking powdèr
- 2 mèdium-sizèd ripè bananas, mashèd (200g or 1 cup)
- 1/4 cup (60 ml) maplè syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla èxtract
Makè thè jam:
1. Add strawbèrriès and maplè syrup to a mèdium saucèpan sèt ovèr mèdium hèat. Hèat until thè bèrriès bègin to rèlèasè thèir liquid, about 5-15 minutès dèpènding on whèthèr or not thèy wèrè thawèd first. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, until bèrriès bègin to brèak down and thickèn, about 5 -10 minutès. Usè your spoon to brèak thèm apart furthèr if dèsirèd.
2. Stir in thè chia sèèds and vanilla, continuing to cook for anothèr 5 minutès. Rèmovè from hèat and allow thè jam to cool. It will continuè to thickèn thè longèr it sits, which is why I usually likè to makè it thè night bèforè I'm planning on making thèsè bars.
Makè thè bars ===> Full Video