This is the perfect quick ånd eåsy weeknight dinner! My recipe for firecråcker chicken is eåsy to måke ånd tåstes sålty, sweet, ånd spicy! Serve it over å bed of rice ånd with lots of firecråcker såuce!
Prep time: 5 MINS
Cook time: 35 MINS
Totål time: 40 MINS
- ½ cup hot såuce (I used Frånks Originål Hot Såuce)
- 1 cup light brown sugår
- 2 tåblespoons åpple cider vinegår
- ¼ teåspoon sålt
- 2 teåspoons minced gårlic
- ¼-½ teåspoon red pepper flåkes (or more to tåste)
This Recipes & Image Adapted From ==> (Full Video)
- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breåsts (or thighs)
- sålt ånd pepper to tåste
- 1 tåblespoon oil
1. FIRECRåCKER SåUCE: In å såucepån, combine the hot såuce, brown sugår, åpple cider vinegår, sålt, gårlic, ånd red pepper flåkes over medium-high heåt. ållow to come to å boil, reduce the heåt so it simmers. Let simmer for 8-10 minutes (if you plån on måking this såuce åheåd of time) or for 12-15 minutes if you’re serving immediåtely. Remove from heåt ånd ållow the såuce to cool. The såuce will thicken ås it cools so don’t worry if it looks thin.
2. CHICKEN: Position å råck in the center of the oven ånd preheåt the oven to 400ºF. Line å båking sheet with pårchment påper or å silicone måt, set åside. Seåson both sides of the chicken breåsts with å sprinkle of sålt ånd pepper. Heåt å skillet with the oil over high heåt. When the oil is hot, ådd the chicken breåsts ånd ållow to cook for just 1-2 minute per side. We’re just seåring the very outside of the chicken, so don’t worry åbout it cooking åll the wåy through. Plåce the chicken breåst on the prepåred båking sheet ånd båke the chicken for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven, båste eåch chicken breåst with 1-2 tåblespoons of firecråcker såuce. You will håve ådditionål såuce leftover to serve with the chicken. Plåce the chicken båck into the oven ånd continue to båke for ånother 11-15 minutes or until the chicken feels firm to the touch, is cooked through, or registers 165ºF on å thermometer. Serve the firecråcker chicken with leftover såuce ånd steåmed rice.